Rakuten API for developers

Open online shop with Rakuten goods
Rakuten is the largest and worldwide-known Japanese marketplace. Most Japanese sellers sell their items on Rakuten. If the buyer needs some kind of Japanese product, then surely it is on Rakuten. You can find the most interesting Japanese products, the best clothes, the latest gadgets and high-quality cosmetics on the marketplace.
Rakuten is a unique opportunity for businesses to open an resale shop with high-demand products and low competition in this segment. Japanese Rakuten products are hard to get if you’re not a Japanese resident.
To start your business you need:
  • create an online store;
  • find a shipping company for goods purchase and delivery (dropshipping with Rakuten is possible only if there is a well-functioning process for goods delivery);
  • attract customers and communicate with them.
You will be able to earn money from Rakuten products by helping customers purchase Japanese products that are not available outside of Japan.
Rakuten API Key for your online shop
Rakuten product API will connect your online store to Japanese marketplace. You will receive up-to-date information about products, their prices and configurations. Rakuten API Key offers tools for developers and businesses to configure product catalog, markup, shipping and ordering system.
Rakuten API integration is a good solution for an online store to resell Chinese goods. It will ensure stable and automatic receipt and updating of product data. With any changes on the marketplace, our company will ensure changes to the Racuten trade API.
API Documentation
Full list of API methods is available in documentation http://docs.otapi.net/en
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