OT Commerce services operating instructions

Box-based sites or sites receiving marketplaces contents from OT Commerce Platform Services through OT Key are maintained by OpenTrade Commerce platform services.
Document comes into force on January, 1, 2022

2.1. Services

Services include:

  • access to Taobao API (and other Marketplaces chosen by client when purchasing software product);
  • Taobao content real-time streaming to customers’ sites (and other Marketplaces chosen by client when purchasing software product), Taobao API keys support (and other Marketplaces chosen by client when purchasing software product);
  • synchronization with any modifications applied to Taobao.com (and other Marketplaces chosen by client when purchasing software product);
  • automatic translation of Taobao content (and other Marketplaces chosen by client when purchasing software product) to Russian and English languages, translation efficiency (goods description and characteristics, sellers’ data).

Some data of sites based on OT Box or using OT Key, namely user and orders databases — are an integral part of the OpenTrade Commerce Services and stored on OpenTrade Commerce servers.

Availability of these databases on OpenTrade Commerce services side is required for correct Platform and the client’s site performance. OpenTrade Commerce guarantees the confidentiality of databases and undertakes not to provide them to third parties in any form.

Also, we will not use these databases for our own purposes.

2.2. Service payments

After purchasing OT Box/OT Key the client pays monthly service payments in accordance with the rates are presented at OpenTrade Commerce site.

Service payment is calculated and paid in US dollars for the last day of month. Payment is accepted at the internal exchange rate (Course of Central Bank + maximum 10%).

2.2.1 OT Box service payments

Actual service payment rates for OT Box are freely available at: https://otcommerce.com/box-prices/service-payments/

Service payment is calculated based on the number of calls on your website and paid in USD. Payment is made according to the internal calculation rate (Course of Central Bank + maximum 10%).

There is one commercial service payment rate for OT Box that works on a prepaid basis:
  • Call — 0,0007$/call (here you can read about what call is and how calls are calculated).

The minimum payout of service payment for all commercial rates is 50 USD.

Service payments begin after the start of commercial use of OT Box based site or after 3 months from the date of OT Box purchase.

There is monthly prepayment. Calls calculation and write-offs from the balance are done daily. The amount and time of payment is controlled independently. You can pay any amount: for a month or for one day, but at least 50$ per month.

With a zero balance, you need to add funds to continue working. Limitations are applied to the site using OT software products (listed in paragraph 2.3), in case of non-payment for service payments.

Service payments are made irrespective of the initial cost of OT Box (with a discount or without it).

2.2.2 OT Key service payments

Actual service payment rates for OT Platform are freely available at: https://otcommerce.com/key-payments/service-payments/

There are 4 billing options for OT API Key. Service fee for OT Key maintenance is calculated from the number of calls on your site.

Service payments are made on prepayment basis.

Calls cost is calculated according to:

  • K0 Basic – first 1 111 calls per 0,003 USD/call, additional calls at 0,009 USD/call;
  • K1 Standard – first 3 333 calls per 0,001 USD/call, additional calls at 0,003 USD/call;
  • K2 Light – 0,012 USD/call;
  • K3 Enterprise – 0,0007 USD/call.

Minimum service payment per month for K0, K1 and K3 tariffs is 100$. There is no minimum service payment per month for K2 tariff..

Service fees are paid in advance. Calls are counted and debited from the balance daily, but minimum 3.33$ per day for tariffs K0, K1, K3. For K2 tariff calls are counted and debited from the balance on the days of using API Key, depending on the number of calls made.

Money is debited from account in accordance with selected tariff. The amount and time of making payments is controlled independently. You can pay any amount: for a month in advance or for one day.

With a zero balance, you need to add funds to continue working. Otherwise OT Key restrictions described in paragraph 2.4 will automatically apply.

To move from one OT Key tariff to another you must pay the full cost of prepaid service payment for selected tariff.

2.3. Restrictions on the site in case of non-payment of service fees for OT Box

  • With a zero balance of service payments paid methods for obtaining information are automatically disabled. At the same time, free API methods and website admin panel are still available to top up.
  • Admin panel will be blocked after 14 days of zero balance.
  • OT Box is automatically frozen unilaterally (ban key) if there is no prepayment within 21 days after reaching zero balance. To carry on working you need to contact OT staff, top up the balance and pay 30$ for unblocking.

Questions about debts or delays in payments are solved with OT Commerce managers in the Skype chat of the project on an individual basis.

2.4. OT Key limits in case of zero balance

  • With a zero balance of OT Key paid methods for obtaining information are automatically disabled. At the same time, free API methods and website admin panel are still available to top up.
  • Admin panel will be blocked after 14 days of zero balance.
  • OT key is automatically frozen unilaterally (ban key) if there is no prepayment within 21 days after reaching zero balance. To carry on working you need to contact OT staff, top up the balance and pay 30$ for key unblocking.

2.5. Removing key ban from website

Client has to pay service payments debt and also a penalty of 30 USD (price to remove ban independent of duration) to remove key ban from website.

2.6. Changes in existing rates and/or new rate input

Customers already connected to services have a right either to save former conditions of service payments or choose new service fee in the case of service payments change; new clients are connected to new service payment rate.

OpenTrade Commerce informs clients about new payment rules by newsletter and publication on OpenTrade Commerce Forum no later than 30 days before they come into force.

Payment rules are mandatory after they come into force.

Changes in existing rates and/or new rate input are announced at https://otcommerce.com/,

in OT Commerce newsletter and at forum.

2.7. Blocking website in case of large number of incorrect calls

Calls to OT service platform must be correct. This means that when accessing OT platform, online store received necessary information, and the call was successful. It fails if there is an error code in the answer to call.

If for 3 consecutive days calls number to OT platform exceeds 20,000 per day and more than 50% fail, then call optimization and error correction are required on the site. If this requirement is ignored, restrictive measures will be applied, up to blocking the online store.

Number of correct calls is not limited, based on conditions of selected service rate!

Number of correct calls for OT Key is based on selected service rate!

2.8. Additional services performed through service payments

  • New functionality development and upgrades necessary for platform effective performance;
  • Support servers operation;
  • Consultations;
  • Technical support.

2.9. Client support and consultations

Consultations of client support managers include general questions on OpenTrade Commerce Platform operation, organizational issues and clarifications and performed in client Skype chats.

Consultations are provided for only the main site domain, which was indicated by the site owner in Box installation request after purchasing it, or indicated as the sites’ owner as a primary for created instance key (in case of domain change, for example).

Consultations on subdomains and mirror-sites are not held by OpenTrade Commerce managers.

Response to customer’s request is guaranteed within 1 hour on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Moscow time). A prompt response is possible but not guaranteed at any other time.

Consulting services are provided on account of service payments except for consultancy concerning operations not related to OpenTrade Commerce platform scope. The above consulting services are provided on a paid basis.

2.10. Technical Support

Customers receive technical assistance and consulting services within technical support service.

OpenTrade Commerce Platform technical support is provided at support.otcommerce.com.

One-time online registration is required to access the service. Customer is entitled to send messages to OpenTrade Commerce technical assistants after registration.

2.10.1 Domain support

Technical support is provided for only the main site domain which was indicated by the site owner in Box installation request after purchasing it, or indicated as the sites’ owner as a primary for created instance key (in case of domain change, for example).

Other domains are supported by OT support on a paid basis (40 USD/hour on weekdays and 60 USD/hour on weekend and holidays).

2.10.2 Response time and conditions of technical support

Initial reviewing of request is guaranteed within 1 hour on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Moscow time). Further application processing procedures are described in Technical support operational procedures below. At any other time, a prompt response is possible but not guaranteed.

Detailed reviewing of request and solving is done within 5 working days depending on correctness of provided data and technical support workload.

Emergency cases, such as: site is not loading, errors in the order processing – come under review within 1 hour around the clock on the daily basis.

Platform and aforementioned services performance issues are solved by OpenTrade Commerce staff on account of service payments.

Problems caused by the customers’ and other party’s actions as well as the site significant customization are solved on a paid basis at hourly rates on actual basis. The above issues which are solved by OpenTrade Commerce technical support outside of working hours (from 5 pm to 8 am (Moscow) and on weekend and holidays) shall be paid at premium charge of 60 USD / hour.

2.10.3 Technical Support operating procedures

  • Client sends a request to technical support service; a formed ticket (a task to the programmer) is labeled as «Opened»;
  • Initial reviewing of ticket shall be performed within aforementioned terms; 1 of the 4 statuses is allocated to it;
  • «Processing» status means that ticket is accepted and queued for the technical support assistant reviewing; the customer is informed of the approximate time of the request review;
  • «At work» status means that ticket is sent to the OpenTrade Commerce platform technical specialist for further processing; customer is informed of the works execution approximate time;
  • «Awaiting response from client» status means that technical assistant requested additional information from client;
  • «Closed» status means that errors correction works are executed.

2.11. Freeze website (temporary Key blocking)

Owner of OT Box based website or using OT Key can temporary ban the key if required. Website will be disabled from OT Platform services, goods information and search options will be unavailable for visitors, admin mode is blocked for website owner.

Temporary key ban is provided after support request to OT Commerce of website owner at https://support.otcommerce.com/en

Service payments (including minimum service payment) are not made in case of temporary key ban within all this period.

Unfreeze website (unlock the key) is done after one-time payment of 30 USD at the request of the owner of OT Box/OT Key to OpenTrade Commerce technical support support.otcommerce.com.

Website will work on current service rate (if the freezing period is more than one month) after activation/unfreezing.

2.12. Disputes Settlement

OpenTrade Commerce provides their customers with a 30-calendar-day-guarantee beginning from the day of problem determination, settlement of which was applied by customer to consultant staff or technical support service.

Within this period the diagnostics results of the problem reasons may be appealed against by the customer. Subject to customer’s reasonable grounds provided, cost recalculation of rendered services will be performed.

Service fees are charged and have to be paid till the end of site’s work until it is turned off from the OpenTrade Commerce Platform Services in case of principal impossibility to satisfy customer requirements.

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